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Using remote sensing and Indigenous knowledge to understand mangrove change on the Maroochy River, QLD​

Funder: University of the Sunshine Coast


Researchers: Matthew Brown; Dr. Tristan Pearce


Partner: Bunya Bunya Country Aboriginal Corporation


Aim: To examine changes in mangrove extent over time, drivers of change, and implications for ecosystem services on the Maroochy River, Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia.


How is Australia Adapting to Climate Change?​


Funder: USC Fellowship Award


Researchers: Evelyn Honoria Rodriguez Mejia; Dr. Tristan Pearce ; Dr. Graham Ashford; David Fawcett


Aim: to use a systematic review of peer-reviewed literature to characterize "how Australia is adapting to climate change?" 


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Indigenous Land Management in Urban and Peri-Urban Landscapes


Funder: USC Fellowship Grant, Vice Chancellor's Honours Scholarship and HDR Output Grant


Researchers: Rachele Wilson; Dr. Tristan Pearce


Partner: Kerry Jones, Sean Fleischfresser and Genevieve Jones (Bunya Bunya Country Aboriginal Corporation)


Aim: To examine the roles, challenges and opportunities for Indigenous land management in urban and peri-urban landscapes through a case study of Bunya Bunya Country Aboriginal Corporation (BBCAC) on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia.


Timeline: 2014-2015


Public awareness and knowledge in sea turtle conservation on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia


Researchers: Jenna Brown; Dr. Tristan Pearce


Aim: To examine what role, if any, public awareness and knowledge plays in the valuation and conservation of sea turtles (Superfamily Chelonioidea) on the Sunshine Coast, QLD, Australia.


Timeline: 2013-2014


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