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Reports and Theses


Flisikowski S (2020). Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Polar Bear Co-Management in a Changing Arctic. Master’s Thesis, Queen's University.


Scanlon H (2020). Mapping social values of Koroua Island, Nadroga-Navosa, Fiji. BSc Honours Thesis,

University of the Sunshine Coast.


Pearce T and van der Velden M (2019). School in a Modern Arctic: Perspectives of Inuit students and educators in Ulukhaktok, NT. Yellowknife: Joint publication of Indspire: Nurturing Capacity, Helen Kalvak Elihakvik (school) and the Sustainability Research Centre at the University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia.


Currenti R, Pearce T, Kitson R, Salabogi T, Vuli L, Salabogi K (2018). Adaptation to climate change in Nawairuku village, Ra Province, Fiji. Sustainability Research Centre at the University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia.


Lede E (2018). Adaptation to climate changing in the context of multiple stressors in the Canadian Arctic. Master’s Thesis, University of the Sunshine Coast.


Pearce T (2018). Inuit subsistence hunting and climate change: Ulukhaktok, NWT, Canada. In: Huntington HP and Eerkes-Medrana L (eds.), Chapter 2: Stakeholder Perspectives, Adaptation Actions for a Changing Arctic: perspectives from the Bering-Chukchi-Beaufort Region, Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program (AMAP): 20-21.


Pearce T (2018). Human Health Adaptations in Canada. In: Trainor SF (ed.), Chapter 7: Adaptation, Adaptation Actions for a Changing Arctic: perspectives from the Bering-Chukchi-Beaufort Region, Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program (AMAP). Huntington HP and Eerkes-Medrana L (eds.): 185-186.


Waugh D (2018). Inuvialuit Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) of Beluga Whale (Delphinaterus leucas) in a Changing Climate in Tuktoyaktuk, NT. Master’s Thesis, University of Guelph.


Fawcett D (2017). A longitudinal approach to climate change vulnerability assessment in Ulukhaktok, NT. Master’s Thesis, University of Guelph.


Lalonde G (2017). Inuit perceptions of learning and formal education in the Canadian Arctic. Master’s Thesis, University of Guelph.


Pearce T, Manuel L, Rietberg D, Brown M, Kurisaru I, Leon J, Currenti R, Cover M, Kitson R and Jarihani B (2017). The Human Face of the Sigatoka River Estuary: Perspectives from iTaukei in Fiji. Sigatoka: Joint publication of Nadroga-Navosa Provincial Council and Sustainability Research Centre at the University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia.


Pearce T, Ford J, Smit B, Duerden F, Furgal C, Dawson J and Bradshaw B (2016). Chapter 10 Factors of Adaptation: climate change policy responses for Canada’s Inuit. In: (G Stern ed) ArcticNet IRIS I Regional Impact Assessment. ArcticNet, Laval University, Canada. Clarke, JH, Gladen, A, Long, Z.


Bunce A, Labbe J, Ford J and Pearce T. (2016). Climate change adaptation and mitigation in Inuit Nunangat. Written for Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami. ArcticNorth Consulting, p. 1-32.


Clarke, JH, Gladen, A, Long, Z, Pearce T, and Perrie W (2016). Chapter 6 Safety in travel and navigation. In: (G Stern ed) ArcticNet IRIS I Regional Impact Assessment. ArcticNet, Laval University, Canada.


Jasiuk L (2016) Inuit women’s comceptualizations of, and approaches to, health in a changing climate. Master’s Thesis, University of Guelph.


Parker C (2016) Examining the vulnerability of an Inuit food system to climate change in the context of climatic and non-climatic stressors: A case study of Ulukhaktok, NT. Master’s Thesis, University of Guelph.


Wilson R (2015). Indigenous land management in urban and peri-urban landscapes. BSc Honours Thesis, University of the Sunshine Coast.


Lemmen D, Johnston M, Ste-Marie C and Pearce T (2014). Chapter 3: Natural Resources; in Canada in a Changing Climate: Sector Perspectives on Impacts and Adaptation, (ed.) F.J. Warren and D.S. Lemmen; Government of Canada, Ottawa, ON, p. 65-98.


Pittman J, Pearce T, and Ford J (2014). Adaptation to climate change and potash mining in Saskatchewan: Case study from the Qu’Appelle River Watershed. Ottawa, ON: Report submitted to Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Division, Natural Resources Canada, 19p. Read full length or quick view.


Duerden F, Pearce T, Ford J, Pittman J, Kinnear L, and Perrin A (2014). Case studies of adaptation to climate change in the Yukon mining sector: From planning and operation to remediation and restoration. Ottawa, Ontario: Report submitted to Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Division, Natural Resources Canada, p.22. Read full length or quick view.


Smit B, and Pearce T (2012). Public health issues related to food security and climate change in Canada. Public Health Agency of Canada. 62p.


Pearce T, Notaina R, Kudlak A, and Wright H (2010). Transmission of environmental knowledge and land skills among men in Ulukhaktok. Research Findings Report to the Community of Ulukhaktok. May 2010. ISBN: 978-09865908-3-2


Pearce T, Ford J, Caron A, Prno J, and Smith T (2010). Climate change adaptation action plan, Ulukhaktok, Northwest Territories. Guelph, Ontario. Joint publication of the Community of Ulukhaktok and Arctic North Consulting: 51pp. ISBN: 0-9865908-0-1


Pearce T, Ford J, Caron A, Prno J and Smith T (2010). Climate change adaptation action plan, Paulatuk, Northwest Territories. Guelph, Ontario. Joint publication of the Community of Paulatuk and Arctic North Consulting: 53 pp. ISBN: 0-9865908-0-8

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